How to Choose the Right Asphalt Company for Your Business


When selecting an asphalt company, look for one with an established history and impeccable reputation. Furthermore, make sure that they commit to using high-grade materials. The best guide to finding Hometown Asphalt Paving in Berkeley.

Searching for family-owned businesses is generally less costly and gives you access to personalized service with more attention to detail.

Licensing and Permits

If you want to launch an asphalt company, be sure to secure all necessary licensing and permits. Most paving companies require a business license as well as contractor’s or specialty permits, depending on the nature of their projects. In addition to this, establishing merchant accounts to accept debit/credit card payments and bank accounts are essential components. Employers need an EIN number, while sole proprietors will require social security numbers if employing employees or sole proprietors, respectively.

Recruitment of employees is another essential aspect of starting an asphalt company. Advertise your services to potential clients and partner with vocational schools or job fairs to find new talent. In addition, having a professional-looking website that supports mobile users is critical.

A professional asphalt company will offer an array of paving solutions tailored to meet your individual needs, be they simple driveway resurfacing or an entire roadway. An experienced contractor will assess your requirements carefully before providing you with a solution that best suits your budget. In addition, experienced contractors offer drainage solutions while sealing cracks in pavement surfaces, making parking lot repairs, grading services, sealing cracks in pavement surfaces, or performing grading procedures as required. Finally, check if they belong to industry associations, as this can indicate their commitment to professionalism and customer satisfaction.


Asphalt surfaces are popular choices for commercial parking lots and driveways, but proper care must be taken to extend their life and protect businesses from costly repairs. Commercial paving companies possess both the knowledge and equipment required for effective asphalt maintenance – as well as various options when it comes to designing its appearance.

Your priority when selecting a paving contractor should be whether or not they are licensed and insured. Ask to see proof of their insurance, workers’ compensation coverage, and bond guarantees. Furthermore, look for companies affiliated with the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), asphalt training programs, or road-construction education programs, as these should all help create an ideal experience.

Paving contractors use various equipment for each stage of a project, including dump trucks, milling machines, sweepers, pavers, and rollers.

Dump trucks transport aggregate and asphalt. They feature large rotating drums that grind or cut up existing pavement into pieces for recycling and easier spreading of new asphalt layers. Milling machines are also utilized to remove damaged surfaces before applying new layers; rental is available through most asphalt paving companies.

Grading machines are designed to smooth out base materials prior to paving and compacting to prevent low areas that collect water or damage the base layers beneath from being visible. Their purpose is to ensure a two percent slope is achieved for grading purposes while leveling and compacting areas of a two percent slope so as to reach level surface conditions that do not collect rainwater or cause damage to their foundation layers underneath.


An asphalt paving company should carry appropriate insurance and bonding. This will protect its clients from accidents and the business itself from costly lawsuits. Insurance providers offer small business liability policies, which include general liability, workers’ compensation, and commercial auto policies; this type of protection is essential for any construction business.

Insurance needs for paving contractors depend on their individual business’s risk exposure, with clients potentially demanding proof before signing contracts with your paving company. Furthermore, having adequate coverage can increase job opportunities available to your paving company.

Paving contractors with adequate insurance should find it easier to secure commercial driveway work. Homeowners tend to hire more reputable companies with sufficient protection through bonds and insurance policies.

Pollution liability coverage offers protection from bodily injury claims, cleanup costs, and property damage caused by pollutants on your paved properties. Most general liability policies don’t include this coverage, so if it is important to you, purchasing an additional standalone policy might be necessary. Commercial auto and inland marine coverage provides financial security against theft of equipment as well as other covered perils.

Online Reputation

Reputation management is a top priority for all businesses, and asphalt companies are no exception. As asphalt production booms, managing their online reputation is even more essential – yet many contractors struggle with managing it alongside all their other responsibilities for running their businesses.

Marketing an asphalt company involves employing numerous strategies, such as SEO, social media, and local search. Optimizing website content and metadata with keywords relevant to search results helps search engines rank websites higher in their results pages while developing valuable blog articles, videos, and case studies positions asphalt businesses as subject experts.

Local SEO allows asphalt companies to appear in the “map” or “local” section of Google search results pages, giving them access to highly sought-after spots like address, phone number, hours of operation, and links back to their website. Optimizing websites with relevant and accurate information – such as address, phone number, hours of operation, and links back – is critical for landing these coveted positions in search results pages.

Asking satisfied customers to write reviews for an asphalt business is another effective way of driving leads and improving its online reputation. Doing so gives potential clients insight into past experiences with them and may influence their decision whether or not to hire. Automating this process through kiosks or text messages helps paving companies increase positive reviews while simultaneously counteracting trolls. Good reviews can make or break businesses; having a proactive response system in place for reviewing and responding to reviews can only add credibility and trustworthiness for clients.