Learn the Fruit Name in Hindi and English


Fruits are an integral component of any healthy diet. Fruits provide vital vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are essential to good health.

Learning new languages can help children appreciate and comprehend the diversity of food available to them, including fruits. This guide offers an immersion into Hindi and English fruit names!


Apples are an excellent way to provide kids and adults alike with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as providing critical fiber. You can enjoy eating apples raw, cooked, or juiced – perfect for introducing children to new flavors!

Apples (Malus domestica) are widely cultivated fruits; therefore, their scientific name (Malus domestica) stems from this status, while their scientific name derives from the Greek for fruit melon. Their common English name comes from Old English aeppel, meaning apple. Up until the 17th century, the term “apple” was commonly used to refer to any non-berry fruit.

Apples have long been revered as symbols of immortality across cultures, including Norse mythology.

Learning both English and Hindi names of fruits can make life simpler for children while broadening their vocabularies. Pictures may help children recall which fruits they enjoy eating more efficiently while simultaneously encouraging them to try new fruits while teaching vocabulary through fun interactions.


Bananas are delectable sweet and juicy fruits that are beloved worldwide, packed with antioxidants and essential vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, their popularity can sometimes lead to exploitative farming practices, including poor working conditions for farmers and the suppression of independent trade unions.

The word banana refers to various species belonging to Musa, both its fruit and the plant itself. In India, the G9 Cavendish variety has become the standard commercial variety; however, native and tropical varieties known as Poovan Mondan Peyan (after Hindu deities Brahma Vishnu and Shiva) are still cultivated for their versatility, sweetness, and texture.

While bananas may technically fall within the category of berries, they have long been considered distinct fruits due to their soft skin and fleshy center, which enclose one or more seeds. This characteristic stems from their development from flowers with single pistil flowers – unlike most cultivated bananas that typically belong to this family of fruits; hence why, the word banana is commonly used to refer to all such fruits.


Fruits are delicious and nutritional, providing vitamins, minerals, and fiber and even helping with digestion and heart health. Learning the names of different fruits can also be an engaging way for kids to increase vocabulary knowledge while expanding cultural understanding.

Grapes are a beloved fruit commonly enjoyed across many parts of the globe, growing on vine plants and botanically considered berries. Grapes come in many different colors, such as crimson, black, dark blue, green, orange, or pink hues, and provide ample antioxidant benefits – some varieties even produce wine!

Grapes are an ideal fruit snack and can be eaten raw or cooked, although some varieties are dried to form raisins and used to produce wine, juice, or flavoring water – some even find use as ingredients in medical remedies or cosmetics!

Himachal Pradesh is well known for its fruit production, ranking as one of the country’s major producers. Himachal’s wide variety of fruit, such as mango, banana, apple, cranberry, dragonfruit, fig, and grape varieties, is cultivated to be exported both domestically and globally – contributing significantly to local economies while playing an essential role in Himachal’s development.


Mangoes, commonly referred to in Hindi as “camera,” are juicy fruits packed with essential vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. With their sweet yet tart taste and distinct aroma, mangos may have their name derived either from the Tamil word man-kay or Sanskrit amra (meaning strength and might).

India is a land of mangoes with over 1500 different varieties to choose from – from the rose-red Gulab Khas and Sindhura varieties, parrot beak Totapuri varieties, and aromatic Malda varieties from Bihar. Each variety boasts its particular taste and characteristics that set it apart.

Mangoes are nutritional powerhouses, boasting abundant amounts of both vitamins C and A. Vitamin C is excellent for strengthening immunity and increasing natural defenses, while vitamin A supports healthy skin, eyesight, and organ functioning. Furthermore, mangoes contain the anti-macular degeneration-preventing antioxidant zeaxanthin that filters out harmful blue light rays, which could damage retinas over time.


Peaches are a trendy fruit that can be enjoyed fresh, in desserts, or used in baking. Pips provide vitamins A & C as well as potassium & fiber – however, their emoji often refers to buttocks resemblance as an euphemism for this fruit!

Peach trees are popularly grown around the world in warm countries. Peaches can be divided into two classifications of fruit: clingstones (in which the pit adheres tightly to flesh) and freestones (where the pit separates from flesh more efficiently), with most cultivars featuring fuzzy skin while some cultivars having smooth surfaces. Color options range from white or yellow fruits with acidities varying according to variety and growing region.

Peach is often used as a surname and refers to those who tended peach orchards or are simply sweet and pretty. Additionally, this name has become associated with several fictional characters like Princess Peach in Nintendo video games and Peaches Landis from 2 Broke Girls television show.


Pears are an excellent fruit to include as part of any weight-loss regimen, both raw and cooked. As well as being delicious, pears provide many essential vitamins and minerals while providing fiber that can aid in weight management. Therefore, pear is an ideal fruit choice when trying to lose weight.

Pears offer many health advantages, including their ability to improve cardiovascular and immune health, reduce inflammation, and promote wound healing. More research needs to be conducted before making definitive claims on these benefits; in the meantime, more studies need to be completed. Unfortunately, however, eating too many pears could have adverse side effects for some individuals, such as pregnant women or young children, and cause stomachache and diarrhea symptoms.

Learning English through fruits can be an engaging and enjoyable activity for children, not only helping them to use it more easily in everyday situations like grocery shopping but also aiding their dietary choices by adding healthy fruits to their diets. With pictures as teaching aids, using fruits can make vocabulary learning simpler while increasing kids’ interest in eating them! This list of fruit names in Hindi and English could be handy.


Punica granatum fruit, the fruit of the pomegranate tree, is widely enjoyed across cultures worldwide. From whole seeds and their husks consumed as snacks or garnishes at meals and meal garnishes to juice blends or smoothies being enjoyed as beverages to cocktails and wine being used as ornamental garden features, its fruit has become part of many diets around the globe.

The word pomegranate originates in Latin as granatum, meaning an accumulation of grains or seeds; its name derives from its Latin roots which means “to bunch together”. Additionally, its outer husk resembles an eggshell, giving rise to terms like “grenade” in various European languages. Hebrew’s word for shell, Rimon [rmn], also suggests an eggshell-shaped fruit; this comes from its connection to Semitic roots jnhm or [rm].

Judaism holds that the pomegranate was one of the Seven Species (Hebrew: SHbt ha-minim) mentioned in Deuteronomy and Song of Solomon; its presence has also been noted numerous times throughout these texts. Pomegranate juice contains numerous phytochemicals, including polyphenols, alkaloids, flavonols, anthocyanins, and ellagitannins (Table 1), which have been associated with anticancer activity; more research must be completed to assess any related health claims associated with its consumption.