Skin Care

Can Acne Be Cured?

Acne affects nearly everyone, everywhere. Depending on the age and the pimples, the severity might range from minor to severe. Teenagers and young people, in general, tend to suffer from acne. When a person reaches puberty, hormonal changes cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Bacteria thrive in environments where dirt and oil interact. Acne develops as a result, and while it most commonly appears on the face, chest, and neck, it can also show up on the shoulders.

Temporary acne affects people between the ages of 12 and 24, and while it can be treated, it will eventually clear up on its own. However, adult acne is possible and requires correct treatment to prevent further damage to the skin. Acne treatment begins with finding the underlying cause of acne.

A dermatologist should be consulted for continuing treatment of severe acne. Many people utilize ointments initially intended for others, such as friends and family. Acne appears for different reasons and on different skin types for different people. Therefore, acne treatments require a trip to the doctor.

A modest reduction in acne scarring is an inevitable consequence of any acne treatment. Acne cannot be cured overnight, and there is no miracle cure. The treatment period with this drug is set at six weeks. A treatment that works for one individual might not work for another. To treat acne, a dermatologist must first determine what is triggering it. Ignore any acne cream that claims to work like magic.

Acne is often treated with a variety of home treatments. When issues aren’t severe, these methods may be tried at home.

Take in plenty of fluids.

Use a high-quality face cleanser regularly to remove excess oil and dirt from your face. Germs may grow due to clogged pores caused by dirt. For the skin to breathe, the pores must be unblocked.

To treat acne, try applying a baking soda paste. The itching and redness of the swelling are both alleviated by this.

Oatmeal mixed with water can create a paste that can be applied to acne for at least twenty minutes.

o Combine an apple with four tablespoons of honey to create a paste and apply it on your face. This face mask helps control oil production while also nourishing the skin.


Pustules and cysts, filled with a clear fluid, may form on the skin in severe cases of acne. These cysts can rupture if not adequately cared for, causing damage to the surrounding skin. In extreme cases of acne, medical attention from a dermatologist is required.

Blackheads can be loosened, and pain alleviated with a peel treatment consisting of glycolic acid and mild chemicals. A dermatologist should do this procedure.

Acne is also known as comedones and can be extracted using this method. In this procedure, both blackheads and whiteheads are removed directly. Acne can be cured more quickly, but only by a trained professional. Before this procedure, be sure your dermatologist has the necessary training and experience. Infection with streptococci and staphylococci, which can cause scarring, is possible if this treatment is not completed successfully.

Large fluid-filled cysts can only be treated by surgically opening the cyst and releasing the puss inside. Even if the bumps are medically removed, there will be a noticeable scar.

Acne may now be treated with cutting-edge technology like laser therapy, which uses a focused beam of light to kill the bacteria that cause the condition. The laser can also cure small scars, making them vanish along with the skin imperfections they are treating.

o Acupuncture stimulates acupuncture points to kickstart the body’s natural mending mechanisms. Many people use this treatment despite the lack of evidence because it has no adverse side effects.

Nonprescription medications

There are treatments available for mild to moderate acne that the FDA has approved. Acne can be treated with these medications, although improvement is gradual. These over-the-counter medications may help with mild acne.

Acne can be treated with benzoyl peroxide, a bleaching agent administered topically in a moderate formulation. With the oil removed, the acne-causing P.acnes bacteria can no longer thrive. It requires cautious application and should not be used on hair. Without this, dryness of the skin is inevitable.

Whiteheads and blackheads can be eliminated using resorcinol.

The itching and soreness can be alleviated with some salicylic acid. However, it is ineffective against germs and does nothing to control oil production.

In addition to the compounds above, sulfur is utilized to treat acne. No one knows for sure why sulfur works so well.

Vitamin B5 is recommended by sure dermatologists for its ability to reduce acne.


Acne can be treated at home with the methods described above. But if they don’t help, a trip to the dermatologist is in order. The patient’s doctor can order any of the following:

Acne can be treated using antimicrobials such as clindamycin and erythromycin, which are applied to the skin.
Acne with edema is typically treated with vitamin derivatives called topical retinoids. Some people’s skin may become more sensitive to the sun due to this, and it may also cause inflammation.
Acne treatments that target p.acnes, such as oral antibiotics, are also used.
Oral contraceptives can help reduce serum production by slowing down the overactive sebaceous glands.


Topical treatments such as creams, gels, and foam are available to eliminate acne-causing p.acnes and regulate oil production. Dry skin is typically prescribed creams, whereas oily skin is more likely to receive gels.

Acne can be treated with a combination of these treatments and the medication prescribed by your doctor. Some products may irritate, but resist the urge to scratch your zit. If you suffer from acne, seeing a doctor is essential instead of trying home remedies.

To learn more about acne and how to treat it at home, check out Acne Articles [].

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